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Kamis, 19 September 2013

not an arts lover...

i'm not a singer, not a good singer, dont like to sing,
although sometimes i sing a song just to cheers up my mind =P
but i love to see people sing,
how they share their soul into the song
how the song simply express what they feel, what they think, what the life does

i'm not a painter, cant draw or paint
but i love to see a painting,
even i dont really understand the technique or the meaning of that picture
i'm not a dancer, a very bad dancer, cant dancing, even the simple one *like dangdut? =P
but i love to see people dancing, hip hop, sendratari, folk dance, anything

i cant do any sport, ahahahaha... bad in that!
*istilah marisca, kemampuan syaraf motoriknya jelek*
but i do love to watch a game, basketball, football, tennis, badminton, anything else

i'm not a writer, not a good one, cant finish write a story till end without getting mad
but i love to read people's writing, apapun itu...
wondering what they may ever feel until they get inspired

sometimes i just like to sit and watch people around
how they work
how they play
how they talk
how they act
just sit and see, nothing all

some friends may think that i'm an arts lover
i like to see picture gallery, art craft, drama theater, folk dance, go to museum, anything bout culture
but nope.
i'm not an art lover
somehow, i just love to see people love something
just love to see people put their interest in something
just love to see people share their heart, their love into something
just love to feel the spirit of the people in anything that they do

the singers sing with their heart, put what they feel into the song
the dancers love to dance and amuse people, love to make their self a limelight
so do the dramatist, i believe they do
the painter put their heart into their paint, sometimes you can feel that the picture tell you something more just a picture, like a photographer do
the writer get inspired from the life around, and put their heart to tell it again to us

that's what i love
feel the spirits from people who doing what they love
makes me be more energetic to do what i love to...

ummm... so i wont call myself as an arts lover
i'm just simply an arts lover's lover =]

-love what you do-
-do what you love-

cheers, guys =]
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